
Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee observes Ash Wednesday


Carrie Bradon Mar 14, 2022

The Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee | https://www.facebook.com/DioceseofAllentown/photos/a.118132644897687/4930368703674033/?type=3&theater

The Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee observes Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the Lenten season. 

During this time, Catholics prepare our hearts and minds for the death of Christ on Good Friday and his Resurrection on Easter.

“Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Receiving the sign of the cross on our foreheads reminds us of our mortality and the importance of humility, but also of exaltation and new life. We are invited to see ourselves as dust again, to detach from the things of the world, emptying ourselves, so we might be filled anew with God’s breath of life,” the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee posted on Facebook.

According to Woman’s Day, Lent starts with Ash Wednesday and the season ends on Easter, which is either observed on Saturday, April 17 for the Easter Vigil or Sunday, April 18. 

According to USCCB, lent is “a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter. During Lent, we seek the Lord in prayer by reading Sacred Scripture; we serve by giving alms; and we practice self-control through fasting. We are called not only to abstain from luxuries during Lent, but to a true inner conversion of heart as we seek to follow Christ's will more faithfully."

Traditionally, Catholics do not eat meat during Fridays, but other forms of penance and denial of self are to be encouraged. Catholics are also encouraged to participate in almsgiving during the season of Lent, more so than at other times of the year. Many Catholics choose to give up other comforts, such as chocolate, coffee or hot showers.

Pope Francis has appealed to the Catholic community to offer Ash Wednesday prayers and fasting for peace in Ukraine, tweeting on Feb. 27, "I renew my invitation for everyone to take part on 2 March, Ash Wednesday, in a Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace in #Ukraine, in order to be near to the suffering Ukrainian people, to be aware that we are all brothers and sisters, and to implore God for an end to the war."

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Diocese of Pensacola Tallahassee

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