
Diocese of St. Augustine asks for prayers for decision in Dobbs case


Art Benavidez Dec 5, 2021

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A decision on the case is not expected until next summer. | Unsplash

Christians are being urged to pray until there is a decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson abortion case by the Diocese of St. Augustine, with the outcome not expected until summer of 2022.  

“The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health today, Wednesday, Dec. 1 at 10 a.m.,” the Facebook post by the Diocese of St. Augustine said. “This case is the biggest challenge to Roe v. Wade in a generation. Pre-born babies and their moms need our prayers and fasting, especially tomorrow. If you would like to listen to the oral arguments, you can do so on the Supreme Court’s website or on C-SPAN’s website. Thank you for your dedication to God’s precious gift of human life.

“And if you haven’t already, check out https://prayfordobbs.com/! Christians nationwide are uniting in prayer and fasting for this case until a decision is handed down, likely in June 2022.”

The Supreme Court heard the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case at the beginning of the month, which involves Mississippi bill that prohibits abortions after 15 weeks except in the cases of medical emergencies and “severe fatal abnormality,” according to KFF.

“It is possible that a majority of the Supreme Court Justices will vote in favor of repealing Roe v. Wade. Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who is an outspoken abortion advocate, argued that the pro-life view is purely religious,” Vogue wrote. “Justice Amy Coney Barrett pointed out that adoption can provide an alternative to abortion. Justice Barrett has adopted two children. Justice Brett Kavanaugh is somewhat of a wildcard, having voted in favor of abortion access in the past.”

The National Review reported that the U.S. is one of seven countries that allow for abortion to take place 20 weeks into pregnancy, according to Chief Justice John Roberts, along with North Korea, China, Vietnam, Canada, Singapore and the Netherlands.

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Diocese of St. Augustine

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