St. Ignatius of Antioch Catholic Church in Tarpon Springs, Florida
Here are upcoming Mass times intentions for St. Ignatius of Antioch Catholic Church in Tarpon Springs, Florida:
Saturday, September Oct. 16th
4:00 p.m. + Henry Pellegrino
6:30 p.m. + Donald & Frances Creamer
Sunday, Oct. 17th 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Ignatius of Antioch
Isaiah 53:10-11
Hebrews 4:14-16
Mark 10:35-45
7:00 a.m. + Joseph Spiri
9:00 a.m. For the People of Our Parish
11:30 a.m. + Charles Catafalmo
6:00 p.m. + Steve Boyer
Monday, Oct. 18th
St. Luke
2 Timothy 4:10-17
Luke 10:1-9
7:00 a.m. + Jacquelin Schafer
9:00 a.m. + Lisa Zapp
Tuesday, Oct. 19th St. John de Brebeuf & St. Isaac Jogues
Romans 5:12-21
Luke 12:35-38
7:00 a.m. Special Intentions of Mary Lou Fiebiger
9:00 a.m. + Jane Gribbin
10:30 a.m. + Robert Stankes
Wednesday, Oct. 20th St. Paul of the Cross
Romans 6:12-18
Luke 12:39-48
7:00 a.m. Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life
9:00 a.m. + Joseph Parliti
Thursday, Oct. 21st
Romans 6:19-23
Luke 12:49-53
7:00 a.m. +Alex Thiele
9:00 a.m. Special Intentions of Linda Hentschel
Friday, Oct. 22nd St. John Paul II
Romans 7:18-25
Luke 12:54-59
7:00 a.m. + Sandy Haidinger
9:00 a.m. + Leo Hurley
Saturday, Oct. 23rd St. John of Capistrano
Romans 8:1-11
Luke 13:1-9
9:00 a.m. + Nicholas Petrarca
Saturday, September Oct. 23rd
4:00 p.m. + Peggy Pupello
6:30 p.m. + Ashlie Bartholomew
Sunday, Oct. 24th 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jeremiah 31:7-9
Hebrews 5:1-6
Mark 10:46-52
7:00 a.m. + Angelo & Amalia Pavin
9:00 a.m. For the People of Our Parish
11:30 a.m. + Jon Hill
6:00 p.m. + Margaret Genovese
The full bulletin for the coming week can be found here.