St. Justin Martyr Roman Catholic Church recently shared a message about the way to salvation. | sspiehs3/Pixabay
St. Justin Martyr Roman Catholic Church in Seminole shared a recent message from Bob Metz about the way to salvation.
He noted that not all who call Jesus "Lord" will make it into heaven.
"Take time this Thanksgiving week to notice more fully the hungry, the thirsty, the strangers, the naked, the ill and the imprisoned," Metz said in the church's Nov. 22 bulletin. "They walk among us. In what ways can we offer them mercy? During this special Thanksgiving week— and the other fifty-one weeks of the year— ask God's help to recognize and serve him in the most needy."
Metz, director of Evangelization & Lifelong Faith Formation at the church, stated that Matthew makes it clear not everyone proclaiming to be saved will make it into heaven, but only those who show mercy to the vulnerable and the weak.
"In today's readings, we praise Christ, the King of the Universe, who has made us his own through Baptism," Metz said. "The readings remind us that belonging to Christ makes demands which cannot be ignored."