Espiritu Santo Catholic Church issued the following announcement on Oct. 18
Reflec.ons on the Scriptures by Jack Conroy, Ph. D - Thir.eth Sunday in Ordinary Time I. Exodus 22:20-26 The Roots of Social Doctrine Reflec.on: This reading is found just at the Mid-Point of the "Book of the Covenant" in Exodus. The Lord had just delivered the (first edi9on) of the Ten Commandments to Moses (Ex. 20:1-17). The "Book of the Covenant" is con9nued instruc9on from the Lord, wherein the social doctrine of the Hebrews was first expounded. This was a doctrine that was radical in its 9me. The ideas that "aliens" had rights, or that the lowest socio-economic stratum ought to be cared for, or that money ought to be lent at no interest, these ideas were new to the planet. In the Ancient Near East, there were "codes" of conduct (Eshunna, Hamurabi, and Middle Assyrian Laws) but they were arbitrary dictates; there was no sense that even a poor person had to be respected. One of the things that dis9nguishes Judeo-Chris9an thought is the precept that "There are no throw-away persons," and that God is a model of Compassion. Here we find that precept's roots.
II. I Thessalonians 1:5c-10 A Model Church Reflec.on: The Thessalonian church (located about 50 miles from Pella, birthplace of Alexander the Great) was one with which St. Paul had a warm rela9onship. It was probably wriDen from Corinth in about 50 AD. It had three authors, Paul, Silvanus and Timothy; hence the plural referents. This sec9on is part of the "Thanksgiving" which is characteris9c of the opening of Pauline leDers. We see one of the four places in Pauline literature where "imita9on" is praised. Scholars debate about what St. Paul meant, especially here, since they also "imitated" The Lord. Perhaps we need to focus on the fact that the Word was received, but clearly also "lived" in the community, which itself produced joy. "Joy" is not a popular concept today; especially where it arises out of way of life. The Rabbis would write of the "Joy" of the "Yoke of the Law;" what appears to some as a burden can be seen as a source of an extraordinarily human experience. Maybe it is parallel to "Parenthood."
III. MaJhew 22:34-40 The Jewish Character of Jesus’ Teaching Reflec.on: Here we are, again, in that sec9on of St. MaDhew's Gospel where "conflict" abounds. However, we see here the kind of discussion not unusual for the 9me. And Jesus does not give a "new" answer, but quotes the Sh'ma, or the most important Jewish prayer, found in Deuteronomy 6:4-9 for the reference to God, and Levi9cus 19:18 for the reference to one's "neighbor." It is interes9ng that Luke put the same story in a different context, not in conflict with the authori9es in Jerusalem. Further, St. Luke then answered the ques9on, "Who is my neighbor" with the story of the Good Samaritan. We see the connec9on of this story with the first reading, where the idea of a Compassionate God serves as a model for our own behavior. There is probably no more challenging sec9on of the Gospel than this, especially for our culture which valorizes individuality, self-sufficiency and self-absorp9on. It suggests that we look outside ourselves, and treat others as "selves." If we combine this insight with the "joy" produced by the "Word" in the Second Reading,
Original source can be found here.